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Everyone wants to visit Mars without a doubt. Can Mars be the next place for humans to live on after Earth? Absolutely, every scientist' dream is to experience living on this planet. Now, what can you possibly do on a planet like Mars? With rocks and soil, it would be the ideal place for a lot of activities. Since it's a rocky place, you can rock climb or collect rocks so you can amaze your friends on earth. This planet also has many valleys and volcanoes for you to observe. Who needs a golf court when you have Mars? You can bring as many friends as you can because, after all, Mars is massive. Many have visited this incredible planet. Don't you want to be the next one to land on Mars?



When we get to this radiant blue dwarf planet, we will go on a scavenger hunt for water. Not only will it be fun, but on our search for water we will be zorbing. Who would have thought that you would be able to zorb around and search for water at the same time. Scientists even predict that the water on ceres may have more fresh water than earth. While zorbing you may even be able to relate to how hamsters feel, how epic! 


What is an asteroid? An asteroid is a small body of rock that orbits the sun. Since it is a moving object, it can be our own personal space vehicle (excluding the rocket). It is also made up of rocks, something we can totally take home to show our friends and family members. Paragliding can also be a fun activity to do. Asteroids pass by each other so you can just glide from one asteroid to another.


Get ready because we are going swimming!! Jupiter’s moon, Europa, has ten times deeper water than our earth and almost twice the amount of water. What can we do on such a watery planet? Well we can treat it like the ocean and go jet skiing on it. Especially since this is a moon that is literally filled with water, you can have more the space and fun. Cave diving can also be possible because of the depth of the water.




Halley's Comet

Halley’s comet is the most famous comet known to science. A comet is basically a moving celestial object that consists ice and dust. Since it moves, it will be very easier to ride on it. Halley’s comet, specifically, orbits around the sun. So if you want to ride around the largest ball of gas in the solar system, try it on Halley’s comet. Also, since the comet goes around like a helicopter, we can surely go skydiving.


Hold on guys, squint your eyes because Venus is brighter than your phone screen at midnight! How would you feel if I told you that you can revisit the summer? Well now you can. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system, with a temperature average of 864 degrees Fahrenheit. So start packing your summer clothes because we are going to Venus!! Venus’ broiling temperature shouldn’t stop you from doing the activities you love the most. The volcanoes on Venus can help connect a zip line on each end so you can go zip lining with your buddies. The rocky surface also makes it fairly easy to go rock climbing or hiking. And speaking of hot weather, you can totally go tanning and come out with that fresh and new tan you always wanted.


Black Holes

Just because the name sounds scary, doesn't mean it is. It'll actually be quite exciting. Did you know that the black hole holds the milky way and it is so dense that not even light can escape? Although, don't you worry, nothing will happen to you, all we will be doing at this stop is bungee jump! Oh god, the thrill! Imagine your heart racing and your palms sweating because of such excitment! Hurry and get packing!


Sun! Sounds dangerous right? Don't worry about it, you'll be safe and have fun at the same time. You might think there's nothing you can do on the Sun, but your wrong! Have you ever heard about solar flares? A solar flare is a discharge of intense high-energy radiation that comes from the sun every once in a while. We would be able to surf on these solar flares. Wouldn't you love to tell your friends you surfed a solar flare? I know I would. The sun is the form center of the solar system, but did you know that it's a star? It has no solid surface and it is very hot. The sun is a spherical shape, like a ball. While surfing these solar flares, the winning person will be able to pick the next planet we would visit, Making this trip even more exciting! Hurry and get ready to get your tan on.


Are you sick of the summer? You can make winter come fast by stepping on Pluto. It's a winter wonderland with rocks and mostly ice. Pluto would be a perfect place to live in an igloo with your friends and family. If you're 90 pounds on earth, you'd be 4 pounds on Pluto. How cool does that sound? You can ice skate or ski to explore around Pluto. -400 degrees can give you the chills but living on Pluto, you'll never have to pay the bills!


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